The day after the night before...

Well I survived the night out and had a great time... Even though I literally froze my butt off while walking from one place to the next...

I stuck to the plan and wore my chosen outfit, and was glad I took the black leather jacket with to keep me warm during our walk from one place to the next..

Started off with a few drinks (a couple of glasses of wine and about 3 Raspberry sours shooters before we went out), meant that i didn't feel the cold too much - I'd hate to think how it would have been if I was completely sober.

The only downside to the evening was when, at one of the venues, I went to the little girls room to look for my friend who's birthday it was, and after making a wee* (excuse the pun)  pit stop myself, when I returned to the bar I noticed that the group of 8 or so had left...

No way.... They have left me behind... I was not happy..  although I had an idea as to what the next stop would be, I had no idea on how to get there and in which direction I should walk.  So i made a few frantic calls and sent a few frantic messages, decided to get in a taxi who then charged me £5 to take me down the road and round the corner to NBs..

I went inside as thankfully I was on the guest list so know I was expected by the DJ, but had no idea if the group had arrived here or not yet.  Eventually I made my way to the dance floor and lo and behold there they were..  A few stern looks were passed around and I expressed my un-happiness at the fact that that they had left and not noticed I was missing from the group.

All was forgiven though after a couple of minutes once the music took over and I started dancing again...  It was a great night........

.....but I have to say I spent most of Sunday doing absolutely nothing... I mean I actually just curled up on the sofa and slept most of the day... Oh how I craved a bottle of Sparletta Cream Soda (my choice of hangover cure), but you can't get it here in the UK.  Not unless I get Kalahari Moon to send me some in advance - which I may just do next time I decide to head out on the town and indulge in the tastes and sounds of the night...

This may of course happen sooner than I think there was talk of another night out this Saturday... mmmmm..... now I will need to find another outfit to wear....  how do I top what I had on??


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