Massive Night!!!
As you know my week was manic, I hardly slept all week constantly thinking of the big event I was organising for Saturday afternoon. I got up rather early on Saturday morning, following a few hours of broken sleep. Got to work at 7.00am and the day started full swing.... At that moment I never envisaged being awake and on my feet for 24 HOURS!!!! The day went so much smoother than I could have expected, so much so, that there is talk of doing it again next year... BRING IT ON!!! When I eventually got home around 5.00pm I had a quick shower, bite to eat and started my prep for the night out on the town with the girls. Wasn't sure how long I would last but I was determined to go out and have a good night... It was a fab night, started with drinks at someones house, met some lovely new girls we just hit it off and it was fab, one was a mad maniac just like me, who walks in to a place grabs a drink and heads straight to the dance floor!! We went from one place to...